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4Kamrai Thai and Sushi house

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Asian Cuisine
palettes_nyTake a boat trip to Penn's Cave to check in at this weekend-only Asian restaurant, which specializes in innovative Japanese and Thai cuisine. The restaurant is located in a single-family building, the outside garden is decorated with lights, there is no advance positioning, you can enter the store, the store is large, and the distance between each table is also large. The decoration style of the store is relatively simple, Thai-style murals, the lights are darker ✨Kamrai Thai&Sushi House✨📍 Detailed address: 901 Pike St, Lemont, PA 16851🕙 Opening hours: Friday to Sunday 17:00-21:00💰 Price: 40 knives per capita ✨Tom Yum Soup✨ When I waited for a meal, I ordered a bowl of Dongyin Gong soup, and the large sliced mushrooms tasted quite fragrant. The taste was said to be Dongyin Gong soup. I feel that it will be more suitable to describe the hot and sour soup. The sour taste is very appetizing.✨ Mango Curry ✨ beef curry with rice. I personally feel that their home tastes a bit American Thai food. The ingredients are very real. The large sliced beef slices, all kinds of sliced seasonal vegetables, fried together, With a rich curry with milk, I ate a very good meal ✨ Sushi Combo ✨ Classic sushi did not step on thunder, one has 6, it is very suitable for choosing difficulties, you can taste the taste you want to try. The quality of fresh food is OK, and it will not be fishy. I prefer sweet shrimp and salmon. Their sushi can avoid lightning. It is a typical American sushi. After I saw the sushi on the table, I felt that I was stepping on the thunder. I couldn’t eat the original flavor of sushi. It will be a bit salty and greasy after eating, sushi is generally